Kathy Wooller by Urban Safari Photography

Evolve Pro Australia provided career and learning project services across Australia to evolve people towards the future of working and learning... people first from 2019 - 2023.Evolve Pro Australia worked with workplaces specialising in people focussed projects across the whole career and learning lifecycle.

Evolve Projects is a virtual service for workplaces who need to evolve their people and learning on demand. Specialising in projects to evolve people towards the future of working and learning. A future that is candidate and learner led, experience based, human centred and lifelong.

  • Outsource your project work to a trusted adviser

  • Free up you (or your teams) capacity

  • Get a fresh perspective and professional outcomes

  • For workplaces who are evolving towards the future of working and learning.

Kathy Wooller by Urban Safari Photography

Kathy Wooller
Peramangk Country, Adelaide Hills,
South Australia, Australia

ABN 45 740 897 917